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May 2013
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-- Issue 93 (May - June 2013) (20)
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Ali Fethi Toprak (1)
Alpaslan Sahin (1)
Arslan Mayda (1)
Dr. Rayna Flye (1)
Eren Tatari - Yamina Mermer (1)
Erhan Yenilmez (1)
Fatih Harpci (1)
Hamza Aydin (1)
Hikmet Isik (1)
Ibrahim Yildiz (1)
Kinko Ito (1)
M. Fethullah Gulen (2)
Mary Lahaj (1)
Nebil Mersinli (1)
Safiye Arslan (1)
Seth Mette (1)
Suat Yildirim (1)
The Fountain (2)
01 May
Issue 93 (May - June 2013)
The Fountain
A Very High Peak To Climb
On Sunday, I requested a friend of mine to babysit my two young boys so I could attend my cousin’s wedding. A few days later, I called the same friend, this time so I could attend the funeral of my de
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01 May
Issue 93 (May - June 2013)
M. Fethullah Gulen
Souls of Immortality
Immortal souls always preserve their vitality, and in every season, they show a different sign of life. They never wither or fade away; they never lose their vigor. Neither the setting sun or the fadi
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01 May
Issue 93 (May - June 2013)
Ali Fethi Toprak
Cancer: Cellular Anarchy
Cancer is a complex disease, claiming millions of lives every year. There is no single type of cancer. However, all types of cancer have one thing in common—anarchy. It is noteworthy and insightful to
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01 May
Issue 93 (May - June 2013)
Mary Lahaj
Contemplative Practices: A Comparative Perspective On Different Faith Traditions
The world is too much with us; late and soon,Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers;Little we see in nature that is ours;We have given our hearts away, a sordid boon!…For this, for everything
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01 May
Issue 93 (May - June 2013)
Safiye Arslan
From Mexican Jumping Beans to Cyborg Plants
According to Merriam Webster, cybernetics is the science of communication and control theory that is particularly concerned with the comparative study of automatic control systems, such as the nervous
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01 May
Issue 93 (May - June 2013)
Kinko Ito
Cooking and World Peace
In the summer of 2007, I traveled to Turkey for ten days as a member of an International Interfaith Dialogue (IID) group from Little Rock, AR. The tour included sightseeing at various historical sites
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01 May
Issue 93 (May - June 2013)
Eren Tatari - Yamina Mermer
Islamic Philosophy of Science
Attempting to answer questions of agency, causality and universality from an Islamic perspective is called the “Islamic philosophy of science.” In answering these questions from an Islamic perspective
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01 May
Issue 93 (May - June 2013)
Suat Yildirim
Culture of Coexistence: Exemplary Cases of Relationship between Muslims and Non-Muslims
Imam Sarahsi narrates an incident which is exemplary of Islam’s policy with respect to non-Muslims. Imam Abu Yusuf, the chief justice of the Muslim state when the Abbasids enjoyed the zenith of their
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01 May
Issue 93 (May - June 2013)
Erhan Yenilmez
A Slap on the Beach
The tropical Kamilo Beach on the Big Island of Hawaiian Archipelago should be a scenic place with white sands and crystal clear waters. However it is laden with tons of human made objects that have fl
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01 May
Issue 93 (May - June 2013)
M. Fethullah Gulen
Qurb and Bu'd (Nearness and Remoteness)
Nearness (qurb) means that one transcends corporeality in order to acquire perfect spirituality and proximity to God. Some interpret it as God's proximity to His servants; however, this is not accurat
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01 May
Issue 93 (May - June 2013)
Hamza Aydin
Recurring DNA in Genome Structure
A genome is a data book or registry which records the past and future of living organisms. It dynamically and simultaneously stores hereditary and biological information in three different hierarchica
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01 May
Issue 93 (May - June 2013)
Seth Mette
Butterfly Effect
You had to build the cocoon as your sanctuary In order to find your new self in tranquility As you transformed, the sanctuary became the enemy Demolishing your home turned out to be your first duty
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01 May
Issue 93 (May - June 2013)
Nebil Mersinli
A Blessing Behind an Unlikely Veil: Vomiting as a Healthy Human Reflex
Being one of the most important human reflexes, vomiting is the phenomenon of spewing out, through the mouth and nose, the contents of the stomach and intestines in the form of strong convulsions. Vom
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01 May
Issue 93 (May - June 2013)
Fatih Harpci
A Subject of the Divine Promises: Ishmael
The family story of Ishmael is one of the ten family histories into which the book of Genesis is arranged. This history of Ishmael shows the fulfillment of the promises made by his parents regarding h
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01 May
Issue 93 (May - June 2013)
Arslan Mayda
Don’t Let Me Down
As we enjoy and appreciate so many things in life, hair is usually among the blessings most of us take for granted. Although it might be difficult a task to “count your blessings” in the literal sense
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01 May
Issue 93 (May - June 2013)
Ibrahim Yildiz
Nanomedicine: A Novel Paradigm to Medicine
Nowadays, we have been accustomed to hear “nano-something,” and we hardly pay any attention to what this really means to us in our daily life. From the perspective of material science, nanoscience or
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01 May
Issue 93 (May - June 2013)
Alpaslan Sahin
Questioning Techniques and Wait Time
Socrates is the first known philosopher to have used questioning in a systematic way with an ethical purpose in mind. Famous Socratic dialogue takes place between Socrates and Meno in which they discu
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01 May
Issue 93 (May - June 2013)
Hikmet Isik
Historical Recurrences
Question: Taking into account the notion that history repeats itself, how should we view recent incidents and events that are taking place in our world today? Indeed, the world has once again stepped
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01 May
Issue 93 (May - June 2013)
The Fountain
Science Square (Issue 92)
Caffeine as a repellent defense chemical Wright GA et al. Caffeine in Floral Nectar Enhances a Pollinator's Memory of Reward. Science, 2013; 339 (6124): 1202 Caffeine is thought to be a repellent de
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01 May
Issue 93 (May - June 2013)
Dr. Rayna Flye
Surrendering to God: Understanding Islam in the Modern Age
Surrendering to God: Understanding Islam in the Modern AgeEren TatariTughra Publications, 2012 In this post-9/11 world, the word "Muslim" conjures up many images and has many connotations. Real knowl
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